James Bond Lifestyle, Bond 23 and Quantum of Solace on DVD

Published: Mon, 01/19/09


Monday 19 January, 2009

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Before I get underway, I'll say that if you know anyone who is interested in James Bond and who might like to receive this newsletter, please forward it to them.

Anyway, just before Christmas I found a James Bond website that I hadn't come across before, but one with a major difference - most of the content is provided in the form of podcasts. I downloaded them and listened to them all over the Christmas break, but now I'd like to introduce you all - if you don't know it already - to Being James Bond.

The podcasts are all high quality and entertaining and I love the movie reviews, which really go into depth. You may not agree with everything said, but it's all done with real passion with the result that they're a pleasure to listen to. You can either download the podcasts direct from the Being James Bond website or subscribe in iTunes.

The Bond Lifestyle

One of the Being James Bond interviews was with Paul Kyriazi, author of "How to Live the James Bond Lifestyle", who offers some excellent advice on upgrading your own life with the help of 007.

The latest version of Paul's book is in fact an 8 CD audio seminar, which he's very kindly offered to send me to review, so watch this space for more info. And if you can't wait for me to review it check out Paul's website here, or buy from Amazon.

Bond 23

There is no real info on Bond 23 yet, only that Michael G Wilson has stated that they'd be getting together this month to discuss the direction of the next film.

He also indicated that we may have to wait until 2011 for the next film, but I'll keep you up to date with news through this newsletter.

Quantum of Solace DVD & Blu-Ray

It seems like it's only just been on the big screen, but we already have the relase dates of the DVD and Blu-Ray release. It arrives in the UK on March 23rd and the following day in North America - check out the website for all other release dates, especially all you lucky Aussies who get it a few days early :)

The US version is already available for pre-order from Amazon, as soon as the UK site offers pre-order I'll let you know.

I'm not as negative as many people are about Quantum of Solace, however, the plot wasn't up to much and the villain forgettable; as, fortunately, were the Bond girls; and director Marc Forster completely failed to achieve the Ken Adam look he was looking for.

The worst aspect though was the action, which was almost completely impossible to follow. You probably know already that the film is the shortest ever, but if the action had been shot and cut to an intelligible pace the film would have been longer too. I've got half a mind to slow all the action down when I get the DVD!

I did like David Arnold's score though - it had rather a retro feel to it in places and fitted the movie well - and some of the direction is excellent. I like the start of the film when Bond is in his Aston Martin and you see quite subliminal flashes of action in an eerie silence - and then it really kicks off. Another good example is at the opera, and you see Bond in action intercut with Tosca - Forster really showing his arty background.

Anyway, I've gone on for far longer than I intended. My aim for this year is to issue the newsletter once a month, but I'll also send out any other news I think you might like to know about as it comes up.

As always I'm more than happy to hear from you, although I can't promise to answer every single question that comes up. Two things - if I think you could answer it yourself with the DVD in front of you then I'm not sure why you're asking me; and a gentle hint to one or two people I've helped out - thanks costs nothing.

OK, that's finally it, I'll back next month with more news and views from the world of James Bond!


The James Bond Dossier

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