🎬 James Bond News #144: 🍸September 2020

Published: Tue, 09/01/20

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Hi - Like may other people I'm back at work after the summer.

I wouldn't exactly call it a vacation but it did me some good to take some time off, despite being in home confinement during the first two weeks of August. 

Not much has really happened in the world of James Bond since my last newsletter. The first thing of any note at all took place yesterday on Twitter, as we'll see below.


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No Time to Die news

Yesterday was the first indication that anyone is actually alive in the No Time to Die marketing team. James Bond branded hashtags returned to Twitter yesterday, but what might that mean?

Some people are also talking about a possible trailer later in the week. If that happens it's likely the filmmakers are set for a November release. 

There are three parties involved in Bond at the moment. Naturally Eon Productions and MGM. But Universal is also releasing internationally. 

And each party's relative influence will help decide when and how No Time to Die is released. If there is an announcement or a new trailer I'll let you know ASAP.

But also remember that the situation may change between now and November anyway. Even if they do decide not to delay further, that doesn't mean November is a certainty.

Welcome to the new normal... we'll just have to wait and see.


James Bond & Friends podcast

The latest episodes of James Bond & Friends are now available on Apple Podcasts and elsewhere. These are fun to record and the response has been hugely positive. You can listen to the most recent episodes below:

OK, that's all for now. As soon as anything happens regarding the No Time to Die release, or even an indication of it, I'll let you know.

Stay safe!

David Leigh
The James Bond Dossier

PS Don't miss the special offer pricing on MI6 Confidential magazine. You can sign up for the complete 2020 season of five issues and pay for just four plus delivery.

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The James Bond Dossier